Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The ER

I want to be an ER doc. Why? I think they define what it means to be a generalist...and I love that. Knowing a good bit about a lot is what medicine is all about to me. I don't want to be one of those doctors that is so specialized they only do one thing. God Bless those people.

There's a lot of druggies in the ER. They're always asking for pills while putting on their best game face. I imagine I won't give out a single pain pill except when absolutely necessary. But then again...there will be nights when I'm in a good mood and give pain meds to everyone just because.

One time I saw a drunk guy kick a pregnant nurse when I was shadowing


  1. I think your blog is going to be legendary.

  2. so this is interesting.... the other day other recovering ER docs and I were waxing poetic about what, really, ER docs do.... I came up with something that I think is right on the mark, I think we should change our titles from 'Emergency Physician' to 'Interventional Generalist'. I think that's what we do.

    War, out.
