Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Beginning

Well, I was studying for my first quiz in medical school today when I realized – “Damn, I should start a blog!” I’m in no way as good a writer as my inspiration, Panda Bear, but I’ll get over it. I welcome you to this wonderful paradise of my opinions.

Before class started, I took a a whole semester where I took bullshit classes like aerobic dance. Then, I didn’t do anything the whole summer except bum off of my parents. It was like coasting through life at 60 mph with the wind blowing through my hair, and then slamming into a brick wall. And now the medical journey has begun.

Our first week was all orientation. I was actually eager to jump into class the first day and learn some good ol’ doctoring, but we didnt do anything except go over boring HIPAA stuff and other random junk. We actually had to stand up at one point in front of our whole class and talk about ourselves. One dude stood up and said that he didn’t enjoy socialized projects. Wow, kinda weird and freakish. I’ll call him Mr. Antisocial. More about him later.

So the first week went by and we covered a lot of stuff. There’s this girl in my class that asks like 5-6 questions per class. I’ve dubbed her the name “The Riddler.” She asked the professor the other day “So…if someone breaks their arm it hurts?” Thank you admissions committee for only allowing the brightest and best into medical school. I think she just asks those questions to get attention from the professor. She may as well have a flashing “HEY LOOK AT ME PROFESSOR, I’M AT CLASS TODAY” sign. Anyways, I heard the amount of info they feed us was bad, and boy were they right. The analogy is “trying to take a sip of water from a fire hydrant.” For our first quiz we have around 200 pages worth of material that should be covered. I can’t wait for the cumulative midterm.

I seem to be addicted to naps from my earlier lazy semester (and whole collegiate career), so now I have to work around that addiction. I go to class from 8-12, go home, nap, then come back to campus to study. Doesn’t leave me a lot of free time but oh well. I’m still trying to get “into the groove” so hopefully this will change in the future.

Yesterday I was in the library when I saw Mr. Antisocial in the corner playing games on the computer. I was in a good mood so I think to myself that I should go over and talk with him…it was more like a charity from me the more I think about it. So I go over and start a conversation with him. After about our 4th round of whispering, he slams me with a “YOU NEED TO BE QUIET THIS IS A LIBRARY.” Damn that made me mad. It was like a beggar saying your money isn’t good enough for him. It was probably the only human interaction he had that day. One too many for him. Yes I make rude assumptions about people. That’s me.

More studying for now. Hopefully something awesome will come of this blog, like the retaining of my sanity.

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